Saturday 17 April 2004


I'm just about to miss a deadline for a local exhibition at the Royal West of England Academy, having been specifically warned in advance by an artist friend that they were specially keen on artists' books (like unto wot I make). I don't have anything I want to show currently, and I'm sort of failing to work on a really promising project that's been kicking around for months. I must do more work on the artwork, but there's always some other extracurricular thing to do...and hey, don't artists get to have a social life too? Anyway, rather than beat myself up, I'm going to be a brave soldier and rededicate myself to the tasks in hand. Is it timing? Is it the absense of visible deadlines? Is it me? (I wouldn't describe myself as lazy: quite the opposite. Do I need to switch priorities a bit? What's negotiable? SPECIAL NOTE: also, I am BROKE, which always makes these things seem a bit worse than they really are. As my v. grate hero J. Bernard once sa "it's all been a dreadful thrash, and it's got to stop."

Back to work. (Bom-Bom go the galley drums. I feel the sting o' the lash and strive gracefully on...)

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