Friday 10 September 2004


God, I feel awful. I have a cold, and tried a hot toddy.

The hot toddy, while being temporarily effective, hasn't been the cure I seek. However, I have at least got the day off to deal with the paperwork that has stressed me out to this low point anyway. Amonst the fun is the new improved course fee for the PhD, which in all the other lit has been £8XX is now £11XX. Still, I suppose it'll keep the canteen in plastic spoons. What added value do I get for that extra £300? Grrr... no, the moment has passed now...Kinda disappointing, though. But what you gonna do?

I'm trying a new piece of software out called Quicksilver, which is a sort of quick access utility that will search a catalog of specified sources and allow me to perform various actions on them. A sort of simplified finder that allows me access from the keyboard- and FREE, too. In theory it can do masses of things, but right now, I think it's a nifty way of bypassing the nested folders that comprise my filing system. I've yet to see exactly what it'll turn out to be like. I actually bought Konfabulator ( a widget environment that runs on or behind the screen and does dozens of widgetty things, essentially what Apple have been inspired to make Dashboard from, in my opinion) and at the moment use it for finding out the time, moonphase and keeping track of hours worked on various projects. Not everything it can do- it has some good web options that aren't taken up by me, since I'm not always-on. But kinda nifty, nonetheless.

The quicksilver website has been acting up this morning, but I think it'll work soon:

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