Thursday 9 December 2004

Scratchpad for visual collection

This is a scratch list for my visual collection. The images will be hosted on Flickr and the pages on my server. I may link from these names and objects to their entries,  a link which would require a password...

Torbjorn Rodland

Photographer. Flimsy surfaces like a badly-hinged joke hint at
submerged and fractured narratives. Absurd sexual frisson, dark fringed
situations. Style as a container. See Contemporary no 67


Sung landscape masters

Spatiality, narrative and subject order. Systems of spatial
representation and narrative presentation reflecting cultural factors.
Perspectival system as symbolic form. ( i must read Panofsky one day !)

Roni Horn

Looking at Roni Horn in Contemporary today. Work includes "Some
Thames", a work i think I read about in a Sunday supplement magazine
years ago. I think it's very good work.

"Some Thames" was the work with the pictures of the Thames filling
the picture field: up close images that showed the turbulent surface
with all its characterful, meaningful exactitude. But a surface that
nonetheless swallows up: Horn's supporting text was full of forensic
reports on bodies recovered from the depth. Depth, perception, surface:
embodiment, intentionality, repetition. Horn's repetitions set up
relations across a series that are fascinating. "Doubt By Water" is a
sequencew of images, double-sided, on plinths, where the sequence is
examined...WRITE MORE

Sophie Calle/ Paul Auster

Identity, space and chance. Narratives of chance and place. The insistence of objects on coincidence.

Italo Calvino: Castle of Crossed Destinies

ditto, but with Tarot, so the objects become symbols.

Baraka/Ron Frick

Visual components/componence rhythm and editing. Solidity of intention despite nonverbal mode.

Russian Ark

A journey through a memory palace. The way the narrative drives
through on one single line, but has others meshing like gears on a
toothed track. Vision, layers of presence. History and research as
subject. Ghosts.

Vong Phaophanit

Especially the one with the ashes and silk.

Christiane Boltanski- "les Tombeaux"-"The Tombs"

v similar to (Tulse Luper suitcases)by Peter Greenaway

What is Boltanski doing to people though? Do his commemorations victimize?

Abelardo Morell

Photographer. Camera Obscura series is fascinating. Section on books
also. Attracted to visual games, light. Sense of hermetic value.
Enclosed, gamelike.

Isaac Julien- the John Soane film.

Don't Look Now (Nic Roeg)

Francesco Clemente

Sigmar Polke
R. B. Kitaj
Tom Phillips
Richard Serra
Cy Twombly
Sol LeWitt
Ian Hamilton Finlay
Joseph Kosuth
Jenny Holzer
Art & Language
Amikan Toven
Wolfgang Laib
Christo and Jeanne Claude
Starn twins
Mary Kelly
James Turrell
Joseph Beuys
Anselm Kiefer
Bill Viola
Vija Celmins
Nancy Spero
Paula rego
John Kirby
Susan Rothenberg
Tony Cragg
Rachel Whiteread
Joseph Cornell
Mona Hatoum
Susan Hiller
JS Bach
Eileen Lawrence
Cornelia Parker
Tacita Dean
Niki De Saint Phalle
Louise Nevelson
Sonia Delaunay
Max Ernst
David Lynch

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