Sunday, 20 March 2005
Link: FlickrBlog.
So, er, Flickr is now owned by Yahoo. I noticed this just as I locked myself in until Oct2007 thinking "Hmm, dollars are cheap just now...". Now, I'm very broke right now, and it was a bit of a dumb thing to do anyway. So now I find that it was all about to get cheaper anyway. Literally a couple of minutes after I bought my extension on my account, I read the announcement (still only a few minutes old at the time. Argh. I do hope this doesn't bite me in the ass
The Wayward Mind: An Intimate History of the Unconscious
Link: Books: The Wayward Mind: An Intimate History of the Unconscious.
I've had this new reading recommended to me by my PhD supervisor. First impressions are that it corrals together a lot of points that I've touched on before, but also points them in a significant direction: if I'm about producing a heuristic, rather than historical description of the process of making artists' books, and this points to a way that I can say: this is an example of modelling mind with a medium; this is a case where an opportunity is exploited to produce an array that hangs, like a sort of poetic kenning, in a state of keatsian "negative capability"...etc...then it's good.
I've been reading and mindmapping. I'm going to produce a short statement about it that might prove to be a sort of statement of intent/ boundary of significance that will allow me to really begin work on a body of research.
Friday, 18 March 2005
Tuesday, 1 March 2005
the morning and the evening 3
A picture from my series "the morning and the evening". I've been considering what text to use/write with this, and something from themes of navigation, mapping, etc, seem appropriate. Those coloured squares are going to act as bullet-point anchors for a text that will spread across the accordion-folds of the book (this single long image will comprise 8 large pages). The text, hopefully, forming a trace of a constellation: I plan to move the "bullets" so that they come to resemble one or other of the constellations. It seems I have enough for the "Big Dipper" part of Ursa Major with one to spare. I could use that to set up Polaris, if there's space- it would fit the theme of travel and navigation I'm exploring here. Any other long, thin, 8-starred consellations spring to mind?
Texts considered so far as sources/inspiration include bits from:
this one, with its more modern references
and this one, about Lewis and Clark.