Wednesday 20 April 2005

points of reference: novels

a list of possible points of reference to the research outside the usual academic spectrum

w.Italo Calvino: Invisible Cities

Umberto Eco: The Name of the Rose

Jorgé Luis Borges: The Library of Babylon has some links of interest.



Neil Gaiman's Sandman Library of Dreams is a pretty explicit homage to the ideal library in James Branch Cabell's Beyond Life,
which thus deserves mention -- will photocopy the relevant bits if you
don't have the book. Then there's poor old Lord Sepulchrave's doomed
library in Titus Groan, and Borges's exhaustive `Library of Babel', and the booby-trapped library-cum-labyrinth in The Name of the Rose....Neil Gaiman's Sandman Library of Dreams is a pretty explicit homage to the ideal library in James Branch Cabell's Beyond Life,
which thus deserves mention -- will photocopy the relevant bits if you
don't have the book. Then there's poor old Lord Sepulchrave's doomed
library in Titus Groan, and Borges's exhaustive `Library of Babel', and the booby-trapped library-cum-labyrinth in The Name of the Rose....snip

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