Recently L and I visited London and saw, amongst other things, the "Turner, Whistler, Monet" exhibition at the Tate, whih was pretty good. I enjoyed Whistler best, perhaps because I'm least familiar with his work: it also seems the closest in sensibility to Scottish painting, which I grew up with ready access to, and which neither JMWT nor the prince of Giverny come close to. There is a certain Japonisme in some of the Scottish colourists and suchlike that I see echoed in Whistler more obviously.
We also attended a concert at the Wigmore hall, Dejan Lazic throwing down some mad Chopin, Bartók, Brahms, etc. for the assembled cough-suppressing massive. The man in front of L fell asleep. My favourite was the Chopin, but I have at best a limited appreciation for long tracts of piano music I'm unfamiliar with, so Lazic's encore of some rapidly twinkling Scarlatti was a boon because of its stimulating tempo, and a little welcome to my philistine heart, since it signified the iminent flinging wide of the doors to admit us into the cool, virtuoso-free London night.
We were once again accomodated by L's friends M & F (sorry about the developing roman a clef of initials here), who entertained in a generous and sumptuous manner not soon to be forgotten, particularly not the delicious cheeses and what M referred to as the "Levantine mayhem" of the Edgeware road, from which we procured hearty, if exotic, viands.
I also kept my appointment at the Victoria and Albert museum, and had a chance to show them my books. I haven't yet heard anything back from them, but they did express interest and enjoyment, so I have some hopes of their including my work in their collection. I wait in hope.
Tuesday, 17 May 2005
drops at Liberty's
studio log
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