Sunday 4 December 2005

Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines

Link: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines.

In depth news webzine. This should be worth regular perusal. I never know who the hell to believe about anything anyway. Yesterday I had the radio on whilst having a bath as the story about torture planes was growing. Made me feel like just sinking in and never getting out again. It's a tough time to try and create a balanced opinion. I just feel like railing against the destruction of values this represents. It's an old story, I know, and I suppose we know more now than ever about what goes on in the structures of power. (Making it SEEM like we are more systematically deceived than ever. Maybe we are both more informed and more deceived.) Anyway, here's a forkload more analysis and opinion to heave onto the teetering pile. Good luck.

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