Wednesday 23 November 2005

How Art Made the World

Link- How Art Made the World
I just finished watching the first three episodes of this series which was on BBC earlier on this year. I'd wanted to see it for a while because it seemed to tie in with some of the other reading and thinking I've been doing about artwork, intention and intentionality, consciousness, and artists' books. (Phew! It's a big net, and I'm tring to haul it in on my own).

I was delighted to see Vilanor Ramachandran turn up as the
presenter's very first talking head. Ramachandran's theories on the
neurological foundations of art are still a bit scientistic for my
liking when they appear in their 'raw' state, but the sorts of
modifications and elaborations on similar themes which crop up in some
things like Draisma
, Claxton, et al, are a bit more promising, and form a sort of
hovering, unconnected background to my preparations to try and talk to
book artists about what makes them tick and why they do books at all (
my latest addition to the motley family of theories clustering like
flies... is to do with Robert Darnton's essay What is the History of Books where
he talks about the circuit of  readers, producers and distributors that
make up the field of book history's study. It's a model of
interdisciplinary interaction that tries to bring together some of the
many strands of book history. I'm currently  involving it in a
spirited  mashup with Johanna Drucker's notion of the Artists' Book as
the 'quintessential 20thC art form and the bits of Ricoeur I know via
Kearney's book On Stories.)

Anyway, I'm straying rapidly... I enjoyed the show, indulged myself
in a couple of soliloquies on how I would differ from the presenter
about how art enunciates intention and creates and is created by
culture (which is, I say, a thing explicable as much as needs be by
natural sciences when we find suitable models, which allows the
application of bits of the modified Ramachandran-stuff, too.) Virtuous
circles all over the damn place.

I'm sorry, I seem to have triggered an avalanche of brain dandruff,
here. Show was fine. Wanted to find out more about some stuff and
wanted to argue about some.

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