Saturday 19 November 2005

Tiercel Movie

Tiercel Movie (The link takes ages but does work if you've got Quicktime)

This has been kicking around for some time. I finally got around to putting on some kind of soundtrack music. I've found that  iPhoto's  pre-packaged web exports seem to do the best job of delivering a file of anything like acceptable size, despite my tinkering with various compression regimes/framerates/palettes/screen sizes. The only problem with this solution (which gives a filesize of about 9mB with identical-seeming quality to my next-best effort at 24mB), is that it outputs to the wrong screen size ( a 4:3 ratio, as opposed to my eccentric choice based on the size of the book pages the film was based on) Anyone know what settings I should use, or what ones have been used in iMovie's settings? Is there something inherent in the aspect ratio I've gone for that defeats the compression algorithms somehow?

Anyway, here, at last, is the Tiercel film on the web.
It looks a lot better from here but I thought a 400mB QT was asking a bit much of my reader.

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