Monday 15 November 2004

Talking with Andrew

I've been talking with my friend Andrew about some of his an my projects and discussing some stuff to do with pictorial space and the senses, and the way that the senses inform the project of narrative presence (ie the presence of being-in the story that is actuated by the reader). it sort of fits in with my thoughts about books and also with Andrew's thoughts about the paranoia of knowledge. i saw some of his new pics and wrote him a couple of notes.

He's also asked me to consider doing a couple of basic talks over
there in the states, so I think I'm going to use it as a method of
writing up some of my thoughts about my strategies of practice and test
drive a few of my notions about artists' books, presence and narrative.
I want also, if I possibly can, to introduce the idea of books as a
solution to various problems of practice: a notion I've elaborated at
various points in this blog, but which needs a great deal more
connecting up to

i. the existing conceptual framework around artists' books
ii. my custom frameworks adapted from my wider reading

and, most importantly

iii. How do I frame this notion (books as a solution to the problems
of practice)as a series of questions that I can test/pursue/answer by
making books?

So, this is an exercise in writing up a compact version of my
conceptual framework and a chance to continue considering my

Later, I'm going to try to set this up as a series of mind-mapping diagrams...

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