Saturday 2 October 2004


Easonstill6I'd been on tenterhooks for about a week, waiting to find out whether or not my entry for the Watershed's Depict Film Festival had been shortlisted. Somewhere in the tunnel vision of my own creativity I thought that my film "Personal Effects" had something that might get it shown.

As it turns out, it's not been selected for the shortlist.

I'll need to have a look at the films that were selected of course. I
was a bit surprised that, for a festival of 90 second long films, there
were only 15 shortlisted entries. I'd have thought more like 50 for an
afternoon's showing...

I'm a bit disappointed, but I'll try pushing it around elsewhere to try and get it shown. The Cube cinema in Bristol do regular "Bluescreen" events where people can show their efforts. I'll give that a bash, I reckon.

Those other films had better be good or I'll sulk. After I've had a
chance to look at them I'll see how I feel about it. All in all though,
not so bad. I made the thing and sent it away. What I was really after
was the chance to get some feedback and validation anyway, and I can do
that in ways that are a bit more open. And it was my first film, after all.

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